Hi Folks!
Belated Happy New Year to you all!!
I hope 2016 has been gentle to you so far!
I hope 2016 has been gentle to you so far!
I had a wonderful start to the year as we went away for the holiday of a life time for my 50th birthday!! We went on a 2 week cruise round the Caribbean!! It was totally amazing but coming back to British weather after being in 28+ degree heat was a bit of a shock to the system!!
Ok so holiday fun over, now Im trying to get my head back in the right place and get stuck back into the real world!! lol
I have quite a few plans which I hope implement this year and some of them do involve trying some new creative stuff so I'm really looking forward to that!!
I am going to try to be a bit better with my blogging as I realised the last time that I posted was in October!!! gulp! how does the time get away from you so quickly!!!
Through those last few months of 2015 I did a lot of fabulous workshops which I had planned to blog..... but as you can see that never quite happened! I am going to try in the next couple of weeks to do some quick snap shots of the workshops I did with some amazing tutors and then get back on track and keep you up to date with what I'm up to!!
Ok, take care everyone!!
xxx hugs xxx